Sanzoni Family :

The story of Sanzoni family, starts with Marco Sanzoni in Italy, as we've discovered until now. Giovanni Marco Sanzoni was born in Corleone in 1843. In 1870s he migrated to Karaagaç, Edirne. The reason of this migration is not clear, but according to told stories in family it was all about the train station in Karaagaç. Marco Sanzoni married with Anna Catharina Zundo in 1880s and they had ten children. Unfortunately most of their children died when they were babies.
The son of Marco, Liborio Sanzoni, was born in 1881, in Karaagaç, Edirne (Andrinople). He worked as a train station officer here but after he opened his own grocery. Here in Karaagaç he married with Aspasia Stamatyadis ( Stramatiadis in genealogy websites) in 1919, a Roum lady from a German mother. Aspasia was born in 1900 and she lived for 98 years. As we have learned at the beginning of their marriage none of them could speak their languages. They had 5 children, the children could talk Italian, Greek, ,Turkish and a little bit German. One of those children is wife of Aleko Vafiadis, Giuseppina Sanzoni, born in 1931 in Karaagac, Edirne.

They've lived in Edirne in a small town full of Italians. Sounds strange but it was a fact that in Edirne - also known as Adrianopolis - there was a Italian town with churches and Catholic schools.
Sanzoni family was a typical Italian family, even they lived in Turkey they always saved their culture and patriotism for Italy. The names of the five children are Vincenzo, Luisa, Marietta, Giuseppina, Benito. Vincenzo Sanzoni was an interesting man, whose story will be told in 'People to Remember' . Also Benito Sanzoni has owned one of the famous delicatessen in Athens which has been mentioned in many magazines, books and tv shows.
Giuseppina Sanzoni married with Aleko Vafiadis in 1956 and they had three children as told in history of Vafiadis Family.
For photos of Sanzoni family please click here
* Revised according to final informations that found on